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Workshop: EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: Understand the Impact, Prepare

Monday 22 May 2023 | 13:15 - 16:30 CET
Sponsored by Keller and Heckman



Workshop Focus

Upcoming revision of EU chemicals legislation that will significantly change the risk assessment and marketability of raw chemicals and food contact materials, both in terms of chemical content, data requirements and sustainability criteria.

Why you should attend

The workshop will present the upcoming legislative initiatives and will put them into context, focusing on the impact. The workshop will include Q/A and brainstorming sessions on what are the main threats, how to prepare and how to efficiently defend its own interests.

Who should attend

Legal counsels and managers that are responsible for product stewardship and/or compliance.

Workshop Agenda

13:15 - Registration

13:30 - Welcome, roundtable introduction

13:40 - Ales Bartl: Presentation on Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)

  • Regulatory and political context and the main goals of the CSS, updated timing
  • Main elements of the upcoming revision of REACH and CLP and surrounding legislation
    • Focus on: Impact on Food Packaging, One Substance One Assessment, Sustainable by Design, Polymer Registration, Recycled Plastics
    • Advocacy
    • Opportunities, legal remedies
  • Q/A

14:40 - Networking Break

15:05 - Ales Bartl: Case Study: Upcoming PFAS restriction (to demonstrate the main tools to phase out substances of concern in the EU)

15:35 - Round table exercise

  • Competition law reminder by Ales Bartl
  • Discuss in groups the following questions:
    • What are the main CSS challenges for food packaging?
    • What should industry do to prepare and to make long-term business plans?
    • What additional information, guidelines, test methods etc. should the EU provide in order to enable you to prepare for the challenges?
    • Is your voice heard? Is the voice of food packaging Industry heard? What hinderances do you see for efficient advocacy?
  • Wrap-up of the discussions prepared by a volunteer at each table, discuss the wrap-up.

16:25 - Ales Bartl: Closing remarks

16:30 - Workshop Ends